The Art of Resigning Well - Tips on How to Quit with Class
- Make a firm commitment to yourself to quit.
- Remember that you are ending a business relationship. In addition to verbally informing your immediate supervisor of your intent to leave, your resignation should be in writing.
- Give your employer appropriate notice. Unless you have a contract that specifies otherwise, two weeks notice is considered the gold standard.
- Don't become apologetic. Accepting a new opportunity is something worth celebrating, not feeling bad about.
- Resist the urge to bargain. Counteroffers are usually desperate attempts by management to maintain the status quo. No matter how tempting it may be to remain in your current position, keep reminding yourself of the reasons that you want to leave.
- Don't discuss your new employment opportunity at length with your present employer or coworkers. Simply state that you have been presented with an opportunity that better meets your needs and career goals.
- Be aware of your coworkers' reactions. Your resignation may evoke feelings of fear or uncertainty in your colleagues. Try to keep your conversations with those around you lighthearted and positive.
- Never criticize your current employer. Once you have resigned, it may be tempting to give your employer a piece of your mind, especially if you are leaving under less than desirable circumstances. However, doing so may jeopardize your career at some point in the future. Therefore, it is advisable to remain polite and positive at all times.
- Be flexible and willing to assist your employer in making your departure as smooth as possible.
- If you participate in an exit interview, offer constructive work-related criticisms only. Never personally attack a supervisor or coworker.
The Resignation Letter
Your letter of resignation should be short and sweet. Remember that it will be on file for years to come, therefore, make sure that is concise and to the point. You will want to address it to your immediate supervisor and to include today's date, your intent to leave and your final departure date. If you wish to do so, it may be appropriate to offer words of praise or thanks to your present employer. It is not necessary to apologize, nor is it necessary to offer your rationale for leaving. Finally, don't forget to sign it!!